B-Side Productions + Management

Brand Identity Refresh, Website Design + Build

Showcase, Structure and Scalability

Design Team:
Alex Waldu [Build], Katie Stamp [Design]

B-Side, a boutique production and talent management agency based in Soho, approached us to overhaul their website. Their previous site suffered from navigation difficulties, management challenges, and a disjointed brand identity for their two business arms: Production and Management. Our task was to unify the branding, streamline user experience, improve search filters, and enhance the digital showcase for the management side. 

Our primary priority was enhancing the user experience by addressing the disjointed presentation of the two business arms on the homepage. We created a clear decision point for visitors—Production or Management—ensuring intuitive navigation throughout the site. Implementing a feature that loads the navigation upon page selection further enhances user exploration, preventing them from getting lost or confined within a single section.

Beyond site structure, we had to go back to basics and unify the logo into a single form, merging the previous two logos. Removing the texture, which was difficult to use within digital platforms, and fully embracing B-Side as a cohesive entity, to unify the business and create a clear visual language.

Drawing inspiration from editorial layout principles, we chose Familjen Grotesk for its clear legibility and character. We employed oversized title treatments and a modular grid system to showcase the talent profiles. Our flexible structure ensures that each profile reloads in a different part of the grid with each refresh, keeping the layout dynamic. Another significant aspect of the site build was our comprehensive search and filter tagging system, allowing users to focus their search on specific job titles or search by name.

As part of our commitment to our clients, we ensured the website's scalability and longevity. We provided B-Side with a platform that offers flexibility for future growth, allowing them to expand the grid system as they grow. Our focus was on combining style with structural integrity. The client desired a website where the team remains in the background, with the spotlight on the talent and productions they represent. By creating modular systems, we've empowered them with full control over future updates and the confidence to manage the backend efficiently. A website isn't just a quick fix, it's a long-term investment.

8 Lee Street,
London, E8 4DY

AOK Studio